Engineering positions open at CESTA see


For 40 years, CESTA carries out system studies using simulations, develops customized models of complex systems and offers innovative decision-making tools.

We support our customers and our products over the long term, from the study of projects to their operational use.

Our experience in the simulation positions us as experts in the tools for helping analysis, evaluation and use of defense systems, in particular with DGA/MI, DGA/TT, DGA/TN , DGA/UM-ESIO, CATOD, STAT, DCI, THALES, SOGITEC, Etienne LACROIX, etc.

Our team of engineers brings together complementary scientific skills (electromagnetics, optics and infrared, electronics, signal processing, mechanics, mathematics, etc.) associated with mastery of decision-making computing and functional analysis techniques.


our services are divided into 2 areas

A service company activity with high added value in the development of tailor-made simulation tools,

A software publisher activity offering a coherent set of decision support applications

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